Here is a list of people you may find inspiring. Many of the people on this list are making a positive impact in our world, in their own unique ways. Please take a few minutes to explore the work they do.

Charles Rudolph Walgreen
The founder of Walgreens.
Frederick Trent Stanley
Frederick Trent Stanley was born August 12th,1802, in New Britain, Connecticut.  Early in his career, he worked in a variety of jobs before founding Stanley Bolt Manufacturing in 1842.
George Henry Bass
George Henry Bass was born in 1843, in Wilton, Maine. In 1876, at the age of 33, he began working in the shoe industry. In 1879, he became the owner of an existing shoe manufacturing business and changed the name to G.H. Bass & Co.
Hamilton Carhartt

Born in 1855 in Wayne County, NY, Macedon Locks on August 27th, 1855.  Mr. Carhartt was son of George and Lefa (Wylie) Carhartt.   He was educated in the public school system of Jackson, Michigan and attended an Episcopal College in Racine, Wisconsin.

John Deere
Born in 1804, John Deere was an inventor and a blacksmith. He invented the first steel plow in 1837 and founded the John Deere company.
John Pemberton

A Pharmacist from Atlanta, GA that set out to create a flavored syrup for medicine.

Burberry, Thomas
Thomas Burberry, founder of international chain Burberry, one of the most famous branded clothing businesses in the world, is also known as the inventor of gabardine.
Wylie Welling Carhartt
Mr. Wylie Carhartt was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, January 22nd, 1885. His father being Hamilton Carharttand mother being Annette (Welling) Carhartt.

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